A podcast to celebrate
life’s defining moments.

Hosted by Tristan Lim


Featured Episodes ✨


Emilio Rodriguez 🇵🇾

Radiant & full of life - Emilio talks about living purposefully, the white savior complex, and his fulfilling journey as an educator.


Otto Nagengast 🇺🇸

Thoughtful & humble - Otto shares why he chose to leave his high flying tech job in San Fransisco, the power of partnership, and finding self-confidence.


Liyana Razman 🇲🇾

Ambitious & forever curious - Liyana opens up about getting bullied as a child, her love for languages, and solo-tripping across Russia.


A Collection of
Authentic & inspiring stories.

We don’t make enough time to truly get to know those close to us, to hear their story. Our attention is grabbed by influencers, celebrities, and whoever else is being pushed to the top of our news feed. It’s bizarre, really.

Stop for a moment. Take a break from scrolling on your feed & flipping through your stories. Take a moment and just listen.

This is a podcast for meaningful conversations, where we get to know our guests - their defining moments, what drives them, what they fear - the real stuff.

Join us 👇


“My dad passed away when I was 8, he had pancreatic cancer… ”

— Emilio Rodriguez on how dealing with death from a young age made him strive to live a more purposeful life.

“I was fuelled by insecurity… I just wanted to prove myself to other people”

— Otto Nagengast on acknowledging his ego and building self-confidence.

Want to support this project?

I started this project to follow my passion for people & curiosity for life. I love doing this but sometimes it can be tough to maintain costs.

If you find value in this project and would like to support me, feel free to Buy Me A Coffee below. Thank you.